Dismiss Case or PardonFlynnNow or Both - 45th Analysis - 03 May 2020

1) This is a positively excruciating read. It's beyond horrible, and yet I profoundly thank both @SidneyPowell1 who posted it, and its author as well. It is necessary reading to understand how they coerced a guilty plea out of @GenFlynn, falsely.

2) This is NOT a long form thread. I may yet do one where I will carefully follow our author's thinking, point by point, and comment. Or, I may not. We'll see. I still have a #FriendsAndEnemies final part 4 to create. We'll see. 

3) But in this tiny, short form thread, I have to offer just this one singular point. If you wish to compromise the demise of our Constitutional Republic, the facts and factors presented in the article above are not the sole source, but are absolutely major contributors. 

4) Be ready to be depressed. We are fighting a rearguard action, after the other side has already wiped out the majority of Republic's fundamental infrastructure. I admit, I've never understood the word AGAIN, in MAGA, when reading that article. 

5) That's it. That's my point. Understanding how they coerced a false guilty plea upon our hero, unearths the entire dirty, grim, evil reality of a justice system that may as well state:

There Shall Be No Justice Done Here 

6) I wanted to end the thread at #5, but can't. I'm just not a pessimist, and I can't leave a problem alone, not offering, if not a solution, at least the possibility of one. That the following 7th, and final post can even be possible is the glimmer of such hope, beginning. 

7) Either or both will do. But, if there is to be freedom in America, let alone to have it ring, then one of both of these things must occur...now...

Either/Or Both:




Pat Scopelliti