The Problem of Professional Courtesy - 14th Analysis - 14 September 2019

14 September 2019 - #PardonFlynnNow Analysis

1) I'm a bit sad this morning, fellow #PardonFlynnNow supporters. It began last night listening to Trey Gowdy on Hannity talking about how it's very possible that those who lied to the FISA court might get hit with contempt of court. Not sedition or treason, not felonies. Hmm.

2) Hannity was clearly upset, me too. The reasoning was something about which statute applies and how hard it is to try cases against lawyers and government employees. How completely uncertain the outcome. Often, the easiest case to win is the one with the lowest penalty. Hmm.

3) Then today: "Andrew McCabe hasn’t been indicted for allegedly lying to federal investigators, according to an email from his attorney asking prosecutors to drop the probe, a sign that the government’s case against the FBI’s former No. 2 official may be in jeopardy."

4) That's from this morning's Wall Street Journal. I'm feeling dragged from one hope to the next right now. Now, maybe it'll work out right in the end. Maybe McCabe will face real justice. But what's the probability. HRC hasn't. Comey so far hasn't. Who has?

5) Have to linger once again on Comey. How is it even possible that lying to the President for the purposes of a coup isn't prosecutable by the DOJ? If AG Barr is this new sheriff in town to clean up this mess, why let even a single crime, by a guy like Comey, go?

6) I fear I know the answer. It's called Professional Courtesy. Comey gets it. McCabe gets it. HRC gets it. Lynch, Holder, Mueller, Rosenstein...they all get Professional Courtesy. Who doesn't get it? @realDonaldTrump and @GenFlynn. No courtesy is due them.

7) Do not believe the swamp rats when they tell you they don't believe in a wall. They just don't want us to have one. We do not enjoy Professional Courtesy the way they do. They have their wall. They control the application of law. Contemplate that. They CONTROL it.

8) Control of the application of law is their wall. They LOVE their wall. It's simple. Under Professional Courtesy, lowest possible penalty, or no penalty, or no prosecution, or no indictment, is in their hands. No Professional Courtesy? Oh, maximum application of worst penalty.

9) It goes way beyond all that, believe it or not. With unlimited budget, and unlimited prosecutorial discretion and reach, they can mount a prosecution against any swamp enemy with the force of Zeus. Thunderbolts and lightning have nothing compared to their power.

10) Evidence? Not necessary. Innocence, and innocence 100% known, even documented by memo? No matter. A trumped-up charge and the joyful will to break the defendant's will is all that's required. You know, as long as no Professional Courtesy intervenes.

11) Here's what my faith-in-the-plan, optimist friends seem to be missing. Corrupt power can bring down the best among us and is designed to do precisely that. The true patriot is the one with the target between his eyes. They will bring down Hell's Powers upon such a soul.

12) Please stick with me. Ted Stevens. Did it matter that he was exonerated? Not one whit. His suspicious death aside, his exoneration did NOT ONE THING to change the balance of power in the Senate. With a 100% false prosecution, they won their goal. Senate Control.

13) I smack my head in rage and impatience. I want to shout to America, wake up you fools. They don't care about law. They care about power. And power they have. Just winning 2016 was not winning the war. They still hold all the hole cards. They're not done. They have options.

14) And they have reach. They are everywhere. Obviously, the media, they own it. Yes, even most of FOX and certainly its power structure. Can you say Bill O'Reilly? The NUMBER ONE show on Cable News? They took him down like he was a marshmallow about to become a smore.

15) But let's get back to the power of prosecution/persecution. It is their Mother Of All Bombs. It is their targeted Kraken. Once they unleash it, woe betide to thee. You will never have your former life back again. Period. You'll receive no courtesy from them.

16) Step back with me now. The Constitution does not discuss a federal constabulary. And, I assure you, had it, not one State would have ratified it. In 1787, States were still their own things. They owned themselves. Today, states are owned by the federal government.

17) But we don't get to blame weak state governments, oh no. We have become a weak people. We're mollycoddled. We're served and placated and given entitlements. We're bought out, we've sold out, we let every part of this happen. Who did? We The People did. It's our fault.

18) So, today's dirty cops run the show. Tammany Hall ran New York City with less avarice and contempt for its subjects than the swamp runs us. The dirty cops are in charge. In the courts and federal departments. In the FBI and the DOJ. And yes, in the advisors to @POTUS also.

19) All of which brings me back, again, to @GenFlynn. @SidneyPowell1 has a greater chance of righting the wrongs in court than any other soul. But greater chance is not enough for me. What I push for, and I know that the advisors oppose it, is for @POTUS to use his power.

20) I know this breaks the brain. But PREVENTING @POTUS from using his power is PRECISELY what the swamp wants. If he uses his power, he breaches their wall of safety. Again, and again I'm told, but a pardon is a confession of guilt, and Flynn isn't guilty. No, I say, it doesn't.

21) Rather, by Presidential Prerogative, @POTUS may #PardonByInnocence. He can just say so. That's it. Flynn is innocent. There has been a hellaciously egregious miscarriage of justice. I'm stopping this now, today. Here, Flynn, is your #PardonOfInnocence.

22) Oh, oh, the left! They'll say bad things! They'll accuse Trump of corruption. They won't be happy. It's all malarkey. They say that if he tweets...anything. What everyone seems to miss is that in kowtowing to them we bolster, support, and reinforce their wall of safety.

23) And I also say again, who is counting the days? The days. To #PardonFlynnNow, with a #PardonOfInnocence would be the one and only thing that gets us back tomorrow. Other than that, tomorrow is lost. Come on, those of you who oppose this pardon. Address that.

24) Patience, you tell me. Faith; have faith. Yeah. Show me a perp walk. How about HRC? How about Comey? How about McCabe? I see no perp walks. I see no indictments. I see Professional Courtesy awash. Refute that, and then maybe I'll consider being more patient. Hogwash I say.

25) Do you note a bit of anger? If so, you're right. Patience? This is the time for impatience. I'm furious. I rage. I seethe with rage I can't even express. I'm mad as hell. And I don't know why all Flynn supporters aren't. You support him, yet you're patient with his suffering?

26) You support him, but you trust the very system that is crucifying him? Every single time I'm told to trust the system, I have to ask, do you mean the rigged system, that one? That's what I'm supposed to trust? And I say, simply, no. I have no faith, I have no trust.

27) So, I say back to all of you purported Flynn supporters. If you want to trust this rigged system, imagining he'll get some future courtesy, go ahead, but please, please, just stop telling me to do so. Not going to happen. Okay? Please. Take your trust elsewhere.

28) It's a normal thing with me. Sadness turns to rage. I'm fighting mad, furious in ways I cannot express. I want justice and I want it now. And I won't be calmed down. And you shouldn't either. I can easily imagine pro-King George arguments about being patient. No.

29) If @realDonaldTrump were to #PardonFlynnNow, with a #PardonOfInnocence, it would be his single greatest strike against the evil powers of the swamp. And that's why the swamp - his many advisors saying "Flynn is a bad story" - are against it.

30) And that again is why I request with my whole heart and soul, please, if you've followed my case, join me. Make your own petition. Write your own thread. Post your own tweet. It is so far passed time. One day more is one too many.

#PardonFlynnNow with a...


Pat Scopelliti